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A:nidu/Devlog(English ver.)

[A:nidu][Devlog] 0. Character, Superpower

by 행둘이 2022. 4. 19.

Hi, this is Threecorn!

We are an indie game development team, currently developing a game called A:nidu.


A:nidu is a multi co-op puzzle game that depicts the Metabus world exploration of cute animal dolls.
The key concept is to solve puzzles by cooperating with each other using superpowers.

I would like to share the development process with you, so I started this development log.
We are also providing various news on Instagram and Twitter, so please visit us!





And this is our early version of the game!

We re-upload link to itch.io.


A:nidu by threecorn

Story  The souls of animal dust dolls woke up at the souvenir shop🎁!  They turned out to be super heroes. Cooperation is a must! Let's use different superpowers to get out of the factory and explore the world. Characteristics 1. As if you're a supe





This is our first dev log!
In today's posting, I would like to share the development of character animation and superpower.
Then please enjoy it!





These are the animal dolls that can be played in our game.
There are a total of four animals.
In-game graphics and animation of the dolls have been completed!


Playful Chinchilla "Gre" / Meticulous Cat "Ty"
Smart Parrot "Ile" / Kind Robot Dog "Mag"

Characters can move by walking, dashes, and jumps.
You can jump up to two tiers.







The key to A:nidu is the superpower that dolls use.
Let's see what superpowers each of the dolls has!


"Gravity Change" of Gre

Gre can fly by changing the direction of gravity in four directions: top, bottom, left, and right directions.
There's nothing you can't go to Gre's ceiling or walls!


"Time Control" of Ty

Ty can change the speed of an object or the age of a living thing by controlling the time.
In the video above, Ty is riding excitedly, changing the speed of the roller coaster!


"A Radio Wave Bullet" of Ile

Ile can send out radio waves to break down objects and attack enemies.
The bullets are fired in a total of eight directions, up, down, left and right, diagonally.


"Magnetic Power" of Mag

Mag become magnets themselves and can push and pull objects with magnetic force.
You can control the magnetic force by switching the N pole and the S pole!





Today, I showed you the play characters and their superpowers.
Next, I would like to introduce various objects that appeared in today's image.

Thank you for watching, and see you in the next posting!




Threecorn 🦄🦄🦄

We're game developers who developing multi co-op puzzle game "A:nidu"


Twitter: https://twitter.com/three3corn

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/three3corn/


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